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spring is here! april has been filled with fun already….easter was so fun! and auburn loved searching for her basket and coloring eggs. we have been outdoors and planting lots of  flowers, wearing capes, and taking silly pictures. Auburn has decided she wants to stay little stating, “i no want to be three, i stay little and be two” i love how somewhere inside she knows that being a kid is the best! i can’t believe this tiny little girl is almost three. she is pure heaven. one of my recent clients said that when her daughters were young her mother told her…”there is nothing sweeter on earth than a three year old girl” i must agree. sweet baby girl is full of kindness..a little photo combo below of some fun! love the shot of her and dusty…and i have a series of shots that i ADORE of aub with her aunt kimmy. it was a giggle fest!

Peace and Love!

7 Responses to “{spring…..}”

  1. erin   –  

    it’s so hard for me to believe that that sweet little bundle i held in the hospital… this pure, new round face is three years old… a little person.
    such a girl.
    makes my preggo hormonal heart all emotional. hee
    feel like i have missed out on so much… cannot wait to see her again. cannot wait for steven to laugh and fall in love with her again…

    lucky girl- to have you as her mama..
    and lucky mama- to have her as your girl.

  2. eugene   –  

    competing@callousness.metrically” rel=”nofollow”>.…


  3. frederick   –  

    homosexuals@escalation.kearton” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    ñýíêñ çà èíôó!!…

  4. Max   –  

    hill@murat.btu” rel=”nofollow”>.…


  5. wendell   –  

    whos@synergism.polytechnic” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    thanks for information….

  6. Julian   –  

    tinkling@threading.canes” rel=”nofollow”>.…


  7. Wallace   –  

    trouser@pleasing.residue” rel=”nofollow”>.…


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