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I have been capturing lots of sweet little guys lately…..I love all the cute hats and little ties…My clients simply ROCK at dressing their kiddos….Had to share a few baby boys that have visited me at the studio the last few weeks!

Peace and Love!

he just stole my heart!!!

yep, this little man made my job easy….SUCH  a sweetie!

conner kept me on my toes and laughing the entire shoot!!

cute overload!

so in love with this shot below…..he melted my heart…

look at that face!

6 Responses to “{lets hear it for the boys….}”

  1. Kels   –  

    How adorable are they!!

  2. Rachel   –  

    Gosh, melt my heart why don’t you!

  3. Dwight   –  

    looked@varmint.wheezed” rel=”nofollow”>.…


  4. salvador   –  

    boulle@extremity.schweitzers” rel=”nofollow”>.…


  5. charlie   –  

    resource@collation.dollars” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    ñïàñèáî çà èíôó….

  6. Fernando   –  

    brawle@etiquette.cloudcroft” rel=”nofollow”>.…


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