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Goodness, Goodnes….What a beautiful senior. I met up with Roxy and her mom for a great downtown senior session.  I could not get over how much the camera LOVES her. I could have shot her all day long…..Roxy is a senior at Yukon High School and has been plans for the future.  I know she will have a wonderful senior year and an amazing college career. Roxy, it was so wonderful capturing your senior photos – so glad to have your mom along for our session as well. Enjoy your sneak peek and thanks for choosing Art and Soul!

I love that Roxy chose urban shots. It matched her personality perfectly!

I was so exited to discover this “believe” on the wall in between to random buildings. LOVE IT!

love this look. with the wind blown hair and amazing stare. 

i told roxy, she HAS to model!

the shot below – my FAVORITE!

have an amazing senior year, roxy!

10 Responses to “{Roxy, senior 2010!}”

  1. Brooke   –  

    Those. Are. Awesome! :)

  2. dionne   –  

    Roxy!!! simply beautiful my friend! have a great senior year!!! Great shot Angel!!

  3. Rachel   –  

    Oh my gosh, she is so pretty! Yukon girls representing well! Woo woo!

  4. Grams   –  

    These are awesome! She does need to model. My favorite is the one where she is laying on her arm. Beautiful!

  5. Cody   –” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    tnx for info!…

  6. rene   –  

    unwise@meme.daniels” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    tnx for info!…

  7. curtis   –  

    grenades@exoneration.minh” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    ñïàñèáî çà èíôó….

  8. Ross   –  

    scalding@whine.bonhoeffer” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!!…

  9. kenneth   –  

    cubbyhole@imprint.bordens” rel=”nofollow”>.…


  10. Scott   –  

    chion@vocalization.evident” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    ñïàñèáî çà èíôó….

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