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As I sit here and try to find the words to wish my baby girl a happy second birthday, my eyes fill up with tears. How can I ever explain what two years ago today did to my life. How do I ever begin to describe the amazing adventure of being your momma.  It seems just like yesterday that we were bringing you home. And, now you are TWO. Full of life….So sweet and Kind. You amaze me everyday. The last two years of my life have been the very best years I could ever hope for. You have made our house a home. You have made everything better than I ever thought it could be. Auburn, you have made us whole. Your Daddy and I love you so much, to the moon and back. Thank you for filling our days with laughter, and our nights with hugs and kisses. We can’t wait for the fun year ahead. We love you and wish you a happy Second Birthday! I just want to freeze you right now and soak up every tiny bit of the little person you are…..As of today you:

love baby dolls so much. especially your baby from aunt kimmy.  you are a little momma, rocking them and talking to your babies in the sweetest little voice “you, o.k., baby?”- “eat your bottle, baby”- “time for sleep, baby”  

You are OBSESSED with all things that go! you love, fire trucks, air planes, tractors ( I think it is the country girl in you :)

The ABC’S….We sing them all day. Over and over again. Your daddy and I wake up in the morning to the sound of you singing your ABC’S….We love it!

You are kind. Sweet. Very sensitive to what others are feeling. You say “sorry” if you bump into someone. You really seem to understand and care about the feelings of others. It is amazing to see!!!

You love to laugh, to be silly, to have fun! You love to explore and discover things. Bugs, tree bark, anything and everything. We love your spirit of adventure!

And, you LOVE to be a little mini-photographer. Walking around taking pictures with your little camera – holding your play phone with one hand and your camera with another.  We like to think you are shooting photos while taking appointment at the same time! That’s my girl!

…..We love you Little Sunflower. We love you so very much……


16 Responses to “{Happy Second Birthday Baby Girl!}”

  1. Rachel   –  

    Cannot believe she’s 2 already….I remember holding her in the hospital when she wasnt’t even 24 hours old yet. Seems like it was yesterday. Love this little girl so much!

  2. erin.darcy   –  

    oh goodness…
    happy happy birthday little sunflower.
    and happy happy birth day mama.
    you are amazing.
    and it makes me all emotional thinking that two years ago i visited you in the hospital-and when i walked in, you were there…this happy mama… this natural easy little family. the room was surrounded by love.. calm. peace.
    and you were glowing with your tiny pink bundle.

    give the birthday girl tons of kisses for me! xoxoxox love you all so so much.

  3. Priscila   –  

    Happy birthday sweet girl! We love you, Travis, Priscila and Mia
    Angel, I love sharing motherhood with you, you are amazing :) !!!

  4. Shelley   –  

    she is so lucky to have such a sweet mommy. sweetest post ever!

  5. angel   –  

    thanks so much guys!!!! thanks for all the comments and love!!

  6. ted   –  

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    good info!!…

  10. Edward   –  

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  11. Johnnie   –  

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  14. Fernando   –  

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    thank you….

  15. Brett   –  

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    good info….

  16. jason   –  

    busted@jerky.cannibalistic” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    ñïñ çà èíôó….

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