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Sometimes I just have to stop and pinch myself…..My job is so rewarding, so amazing, so much FUN! It is couples like Anna and John that make me smile from ear to ear! This wedding was such a blast! I am totally honored to have captured their wedding day. I wish everyone in the world could witness their love not only for each other, but for everyone around them. It was truly beautiful. They had some seriously fun folks in the bridal parties as well :) I hope you two have an amazing honeymoon and enjoy your sneak peek. You are an amazing example of what true love really is. The wedding was beautiful just like the two of you!

dog pile!!!

anna was such a STUNNING bride!! Everyone had to just stop and gasp at her in her amazing gown!

all the bridesmaids with their super cute shoes!!

the wedding had such an organic feel to it… was so beautiful and the colors were so different than any combinations I have ever photographed. Love seeing the bride and groom make the day all their own and a representation of who they are as a couple.

having some fun with the ring shots…John had not seen his ring prior to the ceremony, and I could not get over how crazy in love with it he was! Good choice, Anna!


The bottom of the cake was amazing….had written all around it places they have been together and memories they have shared. totally unique!!

Love this shot during the ceremony….being a flower girl is tough work, and everyone deserves a break :)

this shot just makes me smile!

the toss!

the catch!

4 Responses to “{love potion #9}”

  1. Kels   –  

    that cake is the best. ever.

    and do they have candles hanging in branches behind them?
    this wedding rocks.

  2. vincent   –  

    stager@scrutinized.darlin” rel=”nofollow”>.…


  3. craig   –  

    jesse@soundness.sealing” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!…

  4. earl   –  

    jussel@sunk.tolerating” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!…

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