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“The child must know that he is a miracle, 
that since the beginning of the world there hasn’t been, 
and until the end of the world there will not be, 
another child like him.”

-Pablo Casals 

I just cannot tell you how much fun this family session was!!! When an old friend contacted me about photographing her family I was naturally excited. Even more excited when I found out who it was – MacKensie and I graduated high school together almost 10 years ago (man, how has it been 10 years???) We also happened to BOTH drive yellow slug bugs – so we had a bond right off the bat :) She has two darling little boys now and also had her whole family in town, so we met up Downtown for a family session. There were 14 family members in all, if I have the correct count – and they were all the best! So many smiles, hugs, and laughter caught on camera! By the time the session ended, I felt like part of the family! Getting hugs from all the sweet kiddos and watching them leave covered in lolli-pop stickiness! I could not have asked for a better afternoon session. It was SUCH a pleasure meeting all the family members, a few all the way in from London! I have so many favorites from this session – so beware, LOTS of pics in this sneak peek and even more than you can believe will be showing up in the gallery! Thank you all for an afternoon of fun! Can’t wait to capture memories for you in the future!

Little Miss Ella – showing off her ADORABLE smile!

Parker was such a DOLL!!! Such a handsome little guy!

This family had so much love!

Parker and his grandmother…

Little Finn stole my heart. He was so cute in his chucks!

MacKensie and her family….she loves all her boys!

goodness, she is SUCH a little sweetheart!

family shot :)

visiting all the way from london!

could have photographed her all day long!

trying to get a shot of the grandparents…and then…..grandkids appear :) LOVE IT!

She was my buddy right from the beginning!

those eyes….what sparkle!

Kisses for little brother, Carter!

This shot makes me smile! The “perfect” family shot has nothing to do with everyone acting “perfect” but it has everything to do with everyone being themselves…

Oh, little carter has the most expressive eyes…..Such a good boy the entire session too…


mom and dad with their thee beautiful daughters!

Sister shot!

it would be hard for anyone to find a cuter couple of cousins….

I was just in heaven snapping away at these two….

what a beauty…

a couple of cuties!!!

ellla was not sure if she approved of this or not!

Time for some chalkin’

Thank you ALL for an amazing session! You are all so wonderful! Thanks for choosing Art and Soul!

10 Responses to “{a family session to remember!}”

  1. erin.darcy   –  

    i absolutely LOVE the third picture–with all of them in it.. such a classic, and so unique..
    fun little family. so cute!

  2. Kels   –  

    these are all so great!
    they’ll love them forever.

  3. Brooke   –  

    these are all so adorable! I love the ones in the chairs and one the of the chalk ones where one boy is sticking his tongue out, too cute!!

  4. Rach   –  

    These people are just waaay too cute! You got so many great shots :)

  5. Rach   –  

    Ps- love the shadow one, it has to be my fave!

  6. Arthur   –  

    mitch@francescas.arabian” rel=”nofollow”>.…


  7. Ray   –  

    distillers@faro.relies” rel=”nofollow”>.…


  8. alan   –  

    activation@norell.folder” rel=”nofollow”>.…


  9. michael   –  

    epigraph@aired.luncheon” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    ñïñ çà èíôó!…

  10. Marshall   –  

    buoys@dissolve.gide” rel=”nofollow”>.…


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