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Archive for November, 2008

{happy family!}

Monday, November 3, 2008

One of my favorite things about the fall rush is that I get to see so many great clients who come back annually for holiday cards and photos.  It’s so fun to catch up, find out what fabulous things they are into, the charming little people they are turning into, and of course, how utterly adorable they are becoming with each year!

Quick post today, still knee deep in pictures to edit, but has to share this adorable family that I was honored to capture for the first time.  The girls were soooo good to me and I know their gallery will be filled with smiles – such a happy family!

They were so ADORABLE!!!

A beautiful and loving family!!!

Love this shot!!!

How cute are they!!!!???? 


{second halloween}

Saturday, November 1, 2008

And she made the most of it!!!! Auburn was loving life as she made her way around the block. She had it down getting all the candy and giving the occasional  ” trick or treat. ”  It was such a fun evening…Perfect weather that called for an evening dinner outside at the park – some pumpkin carving – and then our little flower got in costume and hit the road running!  Aunt Kelsey and Uncle Danny joined the fun, along with Papa and Grams.  I always loved Halloween, but love it is even more now that I get to be a kid again with Auburn…..

Our little “Flower”

She could eat corn on the cob all day long….

She was a big help with the pumpkins….

That Hubby of mine sure is a CUTIE!!