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Archive for October, 2008

{you are}

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I have this saying framed on the wall in my kitchen. Every time I pass it it reminds me how blessed I am to have my happy, healthy little girl….She is my heart….

You are the poem I dreamed of writing.

The masterpiece I longed to paint.

You are the shining star I reached for in my ever hopeful

quest for life fulfilled.

You are my child,

now with all things, I am blessed.

I love you baby girl. Happy 17 month birthday!

{alex is four!!!}

Monday, October 6, 2008

I have had the absolute pleasure of capturing this little sweetie since she was a tiny little one! Alex is a bubble of happiness, independence, and energy! She was the leader as we explored The University of Oklahoma’s North and South Oval. We checked out all the fountains and gardens, all while Alex filled me in on everything from OU being #1 – to her Strawberry Shortcake Birthday Party coming up! I just can’t get enough of this little cutie! Her Mom and Dad are the best, even giving me an AWESOME jump picture! Thanks for being such great sports, and thank you for choosing Art and Soul for your Photography for four years now. You three are so close to my heart, and watching Alex grow through the years is so special to me. Enjoy your sneak peek, and tell Alex I am still out of breath from our race :)

Alex kept me on my toes and laughing the whole session….Love this girl!!!

Four is just SO FUN!

Alex found lots of pretty flowers to pick :)

Alex was the only one not out of breath from jumping :) She wanted to jump again and again!!


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Could not wait to share this beautiful senior with you! Victoria called me up after I captured her good friend Haley’s Senior Photos. We met up in Paseo for her session and my goodness…..she had the cutest outfits! Every picture I took of her was an instant favorite! Victoria was so much fun and up for anything! It was so great meeting her mom and dad and hearing all about their super fun family. Along with being adorable, Victoria had such a sweet spirit and a bright future ahead of her. It is always great to see a young woman headed in the right direction. Thanks so much for choosing Art and Soul for your senior pictures, and for making the drive to the city for them. Hope you enjoy your sneak peek!

What a doll!!!!

Victoria gave me perfect poses!

Love this dress!!!!

SENIOR 2009!

So many fun backgrounds in Paseo!

Busy, busy, busy….Still catching up on blog posts! I am so excited to share Cara and Fielding with you all! They are adorable! I have had the pleasure of getting to know them well since their engagement photos and Cara’s bridal session. They are so much fun!!!! I am hoping they are having a wonderful honeymoon in Vegas, and if I know Cara, I know she will be checking daily for her sneak peek :) Here you are Cara,…Thanks so much for letting me capture your wedding day. It is a wedding I will never forget!

Such a wonderful location – The Cross my Heart Chapel in Choctaw. 

This bridesmaid had matching nails with her dress…..So cute!

SUCH fun girls! Loving the polka dots too!!

The guys!

You had to be there :)

Little cutie!

First Dance!


The girls were READY to make a diving catch!

The super cute Bride and Groom glasses!

Congrats again you two! Happy Honeymoon!

{Adoptive Families}

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I have been contacted by so many wonderful families with amazing adoption stories in the past month. I am truly touched and beyond excited to capture the first family photos for each of the families. Excited to share with you a magazine just for Adoptive Families. If you are or know an adoptive family, this magazine is great! Check it out is you get a chance! Earlier this week I was contacted by the magazine to feature a fall adoption session in their Spring issue. I am so excited that one of my families will be featured in this publication!!!