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Archive for the ‘family’ Category

{harrison, nine months!}

Thursday, July 21, 2011

he is just as sweet as can be…..just love this little man!

peace and love!


{the weaver family}

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

i just love the weaver family! two sweet little girls who just steal my heart each and every session! it has been so amazing to capture the love they share for the past few years….just adore them!

peace and love!Picnik collage

{summer fun!}

Monday, June 6, 2011

he is such a doll face! just can’t get enough of this summer boy!

Picnik collage

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

this shoot was so special for so many reasons….one: he was the most precious little man…..oh, steal my heart…..two: i had been so excited to meet little sam after his sweet family brought him home from ethiopia – my heart could just explode for adoption! three: it was a look into the future for me, because we are also adopting from ethiopia. we have shared it with family and friends, but i thought it was time to share it with the blog world :) feel free to follow our adoption journey at:

We just finished our first home study and lots and lots of paper work but we do have a long journey ahead before making the two trips to africa to bring home our baby boy. until then, it is so amazing to meet the wonderful support group of all the adoptive parents and adoptive parents of sweeties like sam, from ethiopia. thanks so much for sharing sweet sam with art and soul. he is absolute heaven….

Picnik collage

this shoot was so special for so many reasons….one: he was the most precious little man…..oh, steal my heart…..two: i had been so excited to meet little sam after his sweet family brought him home from ethiopia – my heart could just explode for adoption! three: it was a look into the future for me, because we are also adopting from ethiopia. we have shared it with family and friends, but i thought it was time to share it with the blog world :) feel free to follow our adoption journey at:

Picnik collageWe just finished our first home study and lots and lots of paper work but we do have a long journey ahead before making the two trips to africa to bring home our baby boy. until then, it is so amazing to meet the wonderful support group of all the adoptive parents and adoptive parents of sweeties like sam, from ethiopia. thanks so much for sharing sweet sam with art and soul. he is absolute heaven….

{it does not get any cuter….}

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

than these sweet twins!

peace, love and twins!

Picnik collage

{oh, my……cuteness…}

Thursday, April 28, 2011

the older boy in these shots got out of his car – ran up to me and said “I am so glad to see you, I have been missing you” as he gave me a huge hug….funny part was, we had never met :) he had the biggest heart and personality! little brother was just as much of a doll – could not get enough of these sweet boys!

peace and love!

Picnik collage

{taylor is ONE!}

Saturday, April 9, 2011

I went to college with this little cutie’s parents and it has been so much fun to reconnect with them shooting little taylor’s first year….we decided to do something a little different and shoot his one year session at the zoo. it was such a blast! endless shooting possibilities….might have to try shooting out there again soon this summer! happy first birthday mr. taylor….you are just the most adorable little man!

peace and love!

Picnik collage

out and about doing little miss auburn’s four year photos and it hit me…..she will be FOUR! How the heck is it possible….where did my baby go? even when the invites came in for her party and the had a big stinking number 4 on them it still didn’t seem like it could be real. four is her favorite number so i guess it fits her. four is my favorite number, another of the many things we share. but, still, her being four just seems insane. crazy. too fast. too much. just when i thought NOTHING on earth could be sweeter than a two year old girl, three came in and blew me out of the water. never could have expected she would be even more fun, more sweet, more lovable, but somehow she was. and, i know that four will be just as great, but man, i just need to freeze time a bit longer. a few things i learned this session that could come in very handy for parents having a photo session with a 3, 4, 5 year old…….try this with me for your next session and i can promise you will be even more in love with your images. i tried it out with my little muse, and it worked like a charm. forgive me as i tend to use ideas on my little one to test them out to see if they work, but a photograph has to try things out somewhere, right :)

-one outfit. simple and sweet, one outfit. changing clothes throws off the flow of a session for kids, they think “oh, we must be all finished, where is my prize :) i would say find an outfit you simply adore and we will shoot it like crazy. (uptown kids, you can NEVER go wrong with their colorful outfits and many choices – classen curve, just right north of the studio) now, for little kiddos (babies up to the age of two) they are totally used to changing clothes a jillion times a day from messes and what not, so it is usually not a big deal at all for the little ones, but think about your older kids – usually one outfit per day so three changes in an hour throws them off a bit….

-start telling  your child / children days in advance that you will be going on a treasure hunt (and let me know you have prepared them for this and i will be all sorts of prepared for the fun) forget the old, “we are going to take photos and you need to smile and be happy” approach. during the session below we got all these photos in a matter of 25 mins, and it was all based around the “treasure hunt” finding small pennies and dimes all over the ground, looking for lost treasure. it worked and then some! kids love to play, they don’t understand why the heck mom’s want photos or why they have to smile and giggle, but they do understand PLAYING! So, prepare them for play!

-another idea, a cheap prop to add color! i always bring lots of props to a session, but always feel free to spice it up in the coming summer months. bright balloons (10 bucks and you have just popped the colors in your photos plus kids adore them) a bunch of wildflowers for your little girl to hold – a superman cape for your little boy….the list can go on and on… can never go wrong bringing fun things with bold color and textures! and, never be afraid of bringing these things to your family session as well.

these are jut a few ideas to make your photo session a bit more fun and relaxed and keep mom and dad off  smile patrol for the session. my job is to capture your kids just as they are. and, you make my job so easy with your ADORABLE kiddos! thanks thanks and thanks for sharing them with art and soul! looking forward to some fun in the sun sessions this spring / summer!

Picnik collage

{just too cute!}

Sunday, March 13, 2011

loved seeing this little cutie again! she had grown a ton from her newborn photos and was just too cute!

peace and love!