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my sweet and precious son…..we wait and wait to have you home with us. dream of your sweet smile and little giggles. we stare into your loving eyes and see your future. our future. our path was always you. thank you for showing us the way. you have taught us all so much in this journey to you. we are kinder. we are more understanding. our hearts are opened even wider to all things in the world and all people on this earth.  i wake up at night just to look at your face once more and send up prayers for your safety and health. your big sister talks about you like you are already here. get ready, baby boy, she is going to smother you in love, even though she has already classified what toys you are “not allowed” to play with…in true big sister fashion :) we have been preparing you a space all your own. making it as unique as you are. your daddy loves you so much. taking HOURS and HOURS on your striped ceiling. showing his love in actions and faith. oh, sweet boy, his love will amaze you. he is the best man there is. he will snuggle you – love you – take you fishing and spend every second building you up. i should know, he has been doing it for me over half my life.  so many things are still unknown on when we can bring you home. paperwork…more paperwork…and, then more paperwork.  just know we will fight for you. we won’t give up. we will do everything possible to get you home to your family. no more sleeping on cement floors. no more hoping for a fully belly. no more. no more. you are our heart. you are our son. thank you for blessing us so much already.

peace and love, mamma

8 Responses to “{a letter to my son…}”

  1. Lindsay   –  

    So so sweet! :)

  2. Martha Porch   –  

    That makes my heart overflow!!! Can’t wait for our baby boy to fill our arms like he already fills our heart!!!

  3. Lindsay Doty   –  

    He’s a lucky little boy :) love this sweet letter

  4. Julia Rygaard   –  

    So sweet. My thoughts exactly when I was waiting to adopt Baby Jack. I’m so excited for you, and I hope it happens soon!!

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