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happy birthday to my very best friend and love, dusty porch. i just cannot imagine my life without your sweet smile, quiet humor, undying loyalty and lifetime of love.  you are the best man, best father, best friend a crazy girl like me could ask for. you keep me grounded while helping me reach for the stars… love with your entire heart and are fearless in every way. you never judge. you are always up for fun and always along for my silly ideas.  you were always meant to be a father and are the best daddy a little girl could ask for. she adores you and calls you her prince.  you play on the floor, spend hours building a backyard fort, even more hours filling out adoption paperwork for the journey to our baby boy….and, you do it all with a heart wide open and a courage i could only dream of. the best decision i ever made was saying “yes” to a 14 year old boy who asked me to “be his girlfriend…” there is no man i would rather walk hand in hand with all my days. happy birthday, babes…. thanks for being my everything and more. i am so very glad you were born 30 years ago today.

peace, love and BIRTHday!

Picnik collage

3 Responses to “{happy birthday babes….}”

  1. Clarence   –  

    grata@nakayasu.feud” rel=”nofollow”>.…


  2. Terrance   –  

    junction@dystopian.gibby” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    ñïàñèáî çà èíôó….

  3. Greg   –  

    chillier@shun.matching” rel=”nofollow”>.…


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