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finishing up our last day in dublin and heading home tomorrow…..excited to see my loves but hated to see my erin go! so glad we got to spend another few days with her as we toured dublin. A big city with lots of life and entertaiment!!! I will be home late, late Monday but plan on starting to return emails and phone calls as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience while I have been gone.  A few more photos of the last few days :)

love tea time!!!!

erin made us some yummy tea….

we made our way to the sea on our way to dublin. it was beautiful!

found mount auburn on our walk :) yay!!!

this little old man was just the cutest!

the beach was cold, but beautiful!

5 Responses to “{heading home….}”

  1. Rachel   –  

    Love the Auburn pic and the purple building! Ireland looks like my kind of place! CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOU!

  2. erin   –  

    so sad to let you go..
    it just feels like i’ll be able to see you next week. guuuh.
    what am i going to do without you?

  3. Kels   –  

    Ammaazing! Hope you had a great time!!

  4. Shelby   –  


  5. Billy   –  

    detachable@budge.constable” rel=”nofollow”>.…


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