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I had the pleasure of meeting little Gage last week for his one year session in the studio. He was SO SWEET! Can you even believe those big blue eyes?!?! And, that little smile! He gave me more smiles in three minutes than I sometimes get in a whole session…..I was in heaven! His mom brought the cutest little cake for him to dig into, but he was not having it…..Happy first birthday little guy….You stole my heart and I just can’t wait for summer photos :)

Those eyes!!!

Happy guy!!

3 Responses to “{Gage, the one year cutie!}”

  1. Candace   –  

    What a heartbreaker…can you believe those eyes?

  2. james   –  

    comico@disassembly.endangered” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    tnx for info!…

  3. sidney   –  

    baseball@aristocracy.gorgeous” rel=”nofollow”>.…


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